Isn’t It Time To Quit Smoking?


Everybody knows the damage smoking causes to your health – cancer, heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, pneumonia – the list goes on. Few people, however, realise how deadly smoking is. In 2010 in England there were 81,700 deaths caused by smoking* – that’s 224 deaths EVERY DAY.

And let’s not forget the damage to your wealth – have you worked out how much you spend on smoking every month? every year? Do it now. Then have a think about what else you’d rather spend your money on!

Many people find it hard to quit. It’s not surprising – nicotine is very addictive,


Hypnotherapy is the ONLY method that tackles BOTH the addiction AND the habit. using only the power of your own mind, it puts YOU in control, with no drugs and no unpleasant side effects. It is also completely compatible with other types of smoking cessation therapy including nicotine replacement patches, gum, and the prescription drugs Zyban and Champix.


My fee for smoking cessation is £180. This includes TWO sessions of hypnotherapy and two weeks’ support by phone or text, just in case you have any wobbles.The two sessions are about a week apart, and are individually tailored to your own smoking habit (I don’t just read from a script, unlike many other therapists). Two sessions work better than one, as the second session acts as an initial milestone to aim for, and provides the opportunity to address any changes caused by stopping smoking, such as changes in eatinp or sleeping patterns.

For an appointment, or more information, just call or text me on 07855 352947, or email me from here

*Statistics on Smoking, England, 2011. Published by the Information Centre for health & Social Care.