Weight Loss

Silhouette-girl-09One of the most complex, and enduring areas of therapy and personal development is weight loss. Every year around 34 million people in the UK – around 70% of the adult population – try to lose weight, spending £10 billion on commercial diets in the process.

Research by the University of Bristol shows that diets and weight loss programmes do work, but, (and here’s the obvious bit) only if you stick to them! And that seems to be the problem for most people.


Well actually it’s quite complex. Firstly, we all need food, and we tend to have quite well established relationships with food. When we go on a diet we’re trying to go against those established patterns, and it’s all too easy to slip up, lose heart and give up. So we need to look at what you eat, how much, when and how often, and why.

Why do you eat? Well it’s probably not because you’re actually hungry. When you really think about it, how often have you been really starving hungry? We tend to eat because it’s time to eat, because we ‘fancy’ something, or because it makes us feel better when we feel sad, lonely, angry, resentful… otherwise known as comfort eating. We may also have old, redundant food habits imposed on us from childhood, and all of this is where the “therapy” part of the process comes into play. Once you understand why you eat, it makes changing those patterns that much easier to do.

It’s a lifestyle thing

As well as your diet we’ll be looking at all the other factors that play a part in losing or gaining weight. Exercise, for example, isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it’ll speed up the process considerably, improve fitness, muscle tone and posture, so if you want to get to the gym but just can’t seem to find the motivation, I can help you get there.

This is how it all works:

  • We’ll talk about your current size or weight, diet and lifestyle
  • Set realistic goals for how much you want to lose over how long
  • Decide what changes you want to make to achieve those goals
  • Help you to make those lifestyle changes using psychotherapy and hypnotherapy
  • Monitor your progress and provide further support and therapy at regular intervals.


39 year old Mrs S. from Stratford was Size 14 after having three children. “I’m only 5’3″ so I was carrying quite a few extra pounds. I had a few bad eating habits, like picking off the kids’ plates, and had an exercise plan in my head but just couldn’t get started. After my first session it was like a switch had just been flicked in my head. I started my exercise regime and have stuck to it rigidly ever since. I also have no problem clearing the plates straight into the bin now. In three months i’m down to a size 8 to 10, and I feel great. I’ve got back into my favourite outfits that were at the back of the wardrobe for years. Everybody wants to know how I’ve done it, and I’m really looking forward to celebrating my 40th!”

Mr D is a Councillor in East London and had gradually put on weight over many years. “I’m at Council meetings most days of the week, and there’s always biscuits, and I’d always seem to eat half of them. Then there’s the various functions, all with lots of food laid on, and I tend to get in late and want something to eat. I have a real weakness for cheese. I decided that I wanted to cut out the biscuits and the cheese, and cut down my portion sizes. I also decided to walk more between meetings. We did some hypnosis and it really made a difference. The weight is now coming off and I feel a lot more energetic.”

Why not call or text me now and start your success story!

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